Saturday, July 19, 2008

More Memories...

So, I'm sure that you all know by now, since you're such avid fans of the blog, that I've been going through some old pictures. Here are a few of Jefferson & I through the years that I thought were kind of fun.

This was one of the first times I ever talked to Jefferson. It was at a BYU football game where he pointed out one of the cheerleaders and said she would come in to visit him at the Brick Oven. How could I be jealous after knowing him a couple days? I don't know!

This one I love because it's the 202 roomates! Most of us ended up marrying the person we were dating at the time! There's Lacey & Billy, Josh and Rachel, Ash, and Jefferson and I at the Malt Shop.
This is, of course, the chick magnet we affectionately call the Scoot.
This was at Park City on Jefferson's birthday, seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. :)

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