Saturday, December 20, 2008

a few odds & ends...

Before we go out of town, I just have to post a couple things. First of all, I was at the craft store buying some fabric to make baby blankets for some friends who are hopefully not reading this! A lady there overheard me explaining the project and asked how you can crochet around the edges of a baby blanket. I couldn't really describe it, so I'm posting it on here for her to see. I love making these because my great-grandma Thacker taught it to my grandma Allison who taught it to me! Here are a few more pictures:
This is the back:

First Snow

Rachel & Josh came out to visit recently (notice I said "recently" and not "for Thanksgiving" because that would mean I'm running REALLY behind!). It was fun. We went over the Roskelleys for games and had the first snow of the season!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Have an Incredible Christmas

So, I'm not done with this painting yet... the mom's mouth and the baby's hand aren't finished, and I'm going to fix the hair. My mom needed a bean-bag-toss so I started this. I didn't make deadline, but they used it anyway. :) I was going to post it when it was finished, but... it could be a while.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

8 Days!

We're spending Christmas with the Clarks...
Have I mentioned Jeff is scared of sharks?

Ohh, that was fun! Let's see...

Dragging luggage, present-bearing
we'll visit to see how all are faring
waking on Christmas at 11, I'm told
wow, that's late- we're all getting old.
I'll bribe children into giving me hugs
(Jeff just said that Aunt Jenn bugs. :(...)
sipping hot cocoa and eating a tart
the air will be reaky when the Clark siblings... lovingly talk to each other.
We'll play Rook (and I'll clean house)
we'll then reminisce about Elder Faust (*sorry, that's all I could come up with)
Seeing grandparents is a fun affair
K, this is pretty long...8 days till we're there!

...I'm never writing a post that's not a poem again.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Yeah, that's me if you couldn't tell. Jefferson was freaking out about the scary mad woman before I told him. Course, he freaks out when he knows it's me being a scary mad woman about once a month...
Anyway. This year for Thanksgiving we had Jefferson and I, the Hoffs, Grandma, the missionaries, and the Robinsons all together. There were a lot of people. But it was really fun! I was put in charge (aAnd by that I mean I put myself in charge) of the decorations. I went with a "Winter Wonderland" theme and I was really happy with how it turned out. Our camera died right when I went to take pictures, so all we have is a little snippet of 1 of the tables before the food was put out.

There were 2 tables since we couldnt' all fit at one. This is the "kids table" and that's us with the missionaries. Ana, in the front, made me laugh SO hard when I saw this picture!
So we had a beautiful fireside the week before in church called "Hymns of Grateful Praise." It was tons of different instruments and childrens' choirs and singers singing hymns about gratitude. This inspired us to do our own program after dinner! It was pretty cool. The mom of the family that came over sang a song, we did a couple as a whole group, and Al & Camille and I played Mary's Lullaby with me on the piano, Allison on the flute, and Camille on her oboe! The following, however, is one of our less reverent numbers (To Be a Pioneer) on the kazoos.

This is the girls and I during a performance. That's Tori, Baby, Squakor, Anna, and Me!

We also played the bells.
I wanted to hold a blog contest to see who could come up with the best caption for this picture. I was vetoed, but some good ones that were discussed around here were "What a ding-dong," "See no Jingle, Speak no Jingle" (from Cam), "Voices Singing, Children Ringing" (from Me), and "Jingle Al the Way" (from Jeff).


Isn't this FABULOUS?! I loooove the dress. I love old-fashioned kinds of dresses. I've been waiting for just the right post that I can use this picture with and I look at it every day and finally thought to myself, "Julie, you just gotta post it. It's too beautiful to hold out on the world." So voila! A lovely little picture for you. It was taken by Mark Holladay Lee of Holladay Photo in Hawaii. His pictures are pretty cool.
P.S. I made someone cry today when she saw their pictures. I LOVE it when I make clients cry and it's not at the bill!!