Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This was Jefferson's last outing with Eternal Ben before the mish. It was... uh...


The Cullimore's said...

That is truly one of the most frightening pictures I have ever seen! I bet it got a couple of double takes around the neighborhood!

Anyway, we miss having you guys so close...Jeff, we are undefeated as a softball team since you moved, though!...I'm just sayin'...


Jared and Niki said...

We miss you guys. And my boys want a ride on Jeff's motorcycle. They could wear costumes,too. Only they are 3 and 5.....love yall.

Krista said...

Oh my gosh! Jenn how are you???

Josh and Rach said...

Jenn, I want you to update your blog this minute! :) and call me.