Sunday, February 8, 2009


We're going to Utah for Valentine's Day! I get too see my neice and some of my nephews and grandparents and everyone!!

Isn't she the most beautiful girl in the whole world?!

P.S. Tune in on Valentine's Day for a special treat....


Josh and Rach said...

I would say she is pretty dang cute! the whole world..I think Sadie wins that one. hehe. And just want to remind you that I helped take that adorable picture. I'm so cool.

Kay Clark said...

What a darling couple. Look how happy you are! Can't wait to see you guys. Drive safely

Jayne Layne said...

That is such a cute picture, and such a cute idea!

Thank you for your nice comments on my blog! YOu need to take pictures of my little one! PS i have been so busy that I haven't gone to get my gift from Melissa's. I don't want you to think I didn't thank you for it, I just HAVE NOT been out of the house in about a month! I will have to send Jon over to get it. Hope to see you soon!