Christmas time! It is such a wonderful holiday! Everything about it is absolutely wonderful! The cold night air, the snow covered trees, and......wait.....what's that.....it's the middle of
APRIL!?!? You wouldn't think so with a snow storm every other week that brings at least a foot of snow.
In the past my spring experiences have been filled with

warm days, brisk nights, and lovely, non-frozen, flowers. However this is not the case as you can see. I have neglected to take advantage of the past two snow storms and decided that if Mother Nature wanted to give me lemons, well then, I would make some lemonade! In this case she gave me snow so of course I made an awesome fort with an even cooler arch!!!

right, I made a freaking arch! The arch isn't big enough for someone like, let's say, Matt, but it works wonderfully. And if you are wondering, yes, that is a statue of Angel Moroni
on top, courtes
y of Camille who most kindly assisted in the building of the structural genious which we lovingly call the Arch de' lux.
Go ahead and gawk if you will. I did, for several minutes in-fact. It's freaking awesome and you all know I do not blush at compliments. So.....feel free! Peace.