For a (very) long time I have wanted to do a shoot with a frog and a little girl in rain gear. Well, guess what. It is going to happen, baby! My friend caught a frog in her garden and has generously offered to let me take pictures of her sweet little girl.
This is Timmy. Or Timythy, as in Timmy Thee Frog. He is really really cute. He is the reason I have learned so many things about frogs. Did you know.....
1. Frogs, when really scared, will scream and sound like a human, pee all over, and sometimes pass out. Basically exactly what I would do if I were being captured by a giant.
2. Frogs eat anything smaller than they are. This includes other frogs. Gross.
3. Frogs like to burrow under rocks and dirt, or between a pie tin and a wall. Who knew? (Actually, a bunch of 10 year olds online knew, but....)
4. Even if you build a huge cage for the frog, your husband will think it is inhumane and you must take him (the frog) for a walk twice a day.
5. Do not expect that a frog is capable of keeping his newly changed water clean for any longer than 6.38 seconds. Timmy, Timmy, Timmy.
6. And most importantly, I cannot stress this enough..... If you buy a bunch of crickets to feed to a frog, remember that you must also feed the crickets. Even if you just want to keep a simple animal alive for 4 days, you must create an entire eco-system on your front porch. So just think about that before you do anything rash, ok?

We have 2 pet frogs, and i can atest to everything you have said about frogs! I can also add this interesting fact. Frogs will not die, even if they're not fed for almost 3 weeks! Don't ask me how I know!
By the way this is Steffani. I'm on my bros account.
Oo..I so want to meet Timmy. I will be in CO the weekend of July 4th, woohoo. We are watching fireworks together again this year, be prepared. P.S. I absolutely LOVE the rain boots and timmy pic. I need to know how to see the rest of those pics asap. P.S.S. Hope you had fun in AK, or AS, whatever it is, and call me soon.
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