Friday, May 1, 2009

Some Hiatus

I know I'm on a break from blogging. But I still had to share this.
It just gets better and better.


Kay Clark said...


jilljohnandhope said...

Thanks for the comment! That picture is of my now 4 year old, and sometimes I think I should update the picture, but I just love that crazy baby picture! Nice to "meet" you! Looks like we have the same taste in blog backgrounds! Ha!

Candace said...

Hi Jenn...Sounds like you and I are cut from the same rug! I hope someday you too have the pleasure of "bumping into" Nie. Everyone should be so lucky. I can't get over it!

I must admit vanilla on any other occasion would have been my last choice, but I will be a forever fan now. It truly was a unique blend of deliciousness that is indescribable with must taste to know. One of a kind, just like her.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comments you left.

P.s. You are a quite the talented little photographer!

Stephani said...

Ok this is SOOO up our alley. When are we going to do this? (It will be just as cool with six of us, I'm pretty sure-the six I am counting includes Aubree, Allison, Kam and Cam-although I bet we could get a few of the Adults in on it. Your Dad would be perfect for that beginning part)