Electricity: The Meanest Utility on the BlockNearly every house we walk past has a large electricity box (unit? housing? doo-dad? I'm useless) the size of a small dog house planted in the front yard. There is an ominous warning label on the outside that looks like this:
I love how aggressive and angry they make electricity look in this picture. It gives you the impression that electricity has the same disposition as a rabid, ill-tempered, hungry wolverine that will sucker punch you from behind without warning or provocation. These electrical boxes are double reinforced and locked with one of those huge locks that can withstand a bullet from a .45 Magnum. You would seriously have to be MacGyver or a bored raccoon to get the thing opened and expose yourself to possible electrical harm. Instead of making electricity look like the bad guy, I think the label should show an apologetic blob of electricity saying, "Dude! I tried to warn you! This is all on you, homie." The person smoldering on the ground would be wearning a dunce cap.

Me at night with the slightest little pain in my abdomen area:"Oh crap, is that my appendix exploding. I think it just ruptured. Yep, i'm almost positive it JUST ruptured. But i have no insurance!! Ah heck, Mitch, just lay here and die. You can't afford to live"
"Wait a minute.....what tha......is that a pain below my belly button.....yes.....it IS rather sensitive there. Ah CRAP mitch, remember when Joey on friends had a hernia? That's where he said it was!! Check to see if there's a bump there (scanning entire abdomen area.......................still scanning) Wait a minute........yeah....yeah i can feel something there(currently performing the "Crunch Test". Flexing my stomach to see if it hurts anymore when i flex). Crap, i have a freaking Hernia. Again i tell myself. Just lay here and die, you can't afford to live"Good News!! I'M NOW INSURED!! THANKS STATE FARM!!!!

Now. I had my favorite one here at the bottom but then I realized.... who is still reading this, anyway? So I am saving it for a little later this week. I will also post an embarrassing story about me that is... awesome. :) See ya!