Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Merry Christmas

Yes, I am running a little big late. Oops. But Christmas this year was really fun! Our camera died halfway through vacation which is before I started feeling better from my cold, so I don't have the really good pictures yet that were taken on other peoples' cameras. There will definitely be a post to follow. But I still had a surprising amount of pictures left so I tried to condense them.

This was one of my favorite parts of the vacation. Jefferson had the dangerous idea to make a human totem pole. Just listen to them laughing!

The finished product

Ok, I still have a bunch more to post but I'll do it tomorrow. Merry late Christmas!


Walnut said...

do it. do it do it

no last names please

Walnut said...

ya just never know jen. I mean, you DO have blond hair ya know.

I think edukashun is grate.