This year for Halloween Jefferson & I dressed up as Cruela De Vil and a dalmation! It was really fun. We walked into our ward Halloween party and someone looked at Jeff and said, "What up, Dog?"

The last few years we dressed up as Fred & Wilma Flintstone...

Cinderella &... Gus Gus (I tried to get him to be Prince Charming, but nooooooo)

and Matt & Melissa! Jefferson looks so much like his brother (except the hair) that it looked pretty good.
We even took a family picture with their kids! It was fun.

What will it be next year?? Any suggestions?
Hey you two cute people. I love the dalmation theme. It is so cute. The hair really works Jenn. I am glad you attached the rest of the halloween pictures. very cute!
You guys are so Creative I love it!!! Great costumes!!!
Cute costumes! guys rocked this year!
ps what were you doing up so early this morning??
They look awesome!! I love it :) Good job you guys. Wish we were there to spend it with you. Miss ya both like crazy. Three weeks until Thanksgiving!!! woohoo
That's so funny you have already started decorating! We are living with Billy's Mom till we close on our house, or I would have them going up too! But don't worry the Christmas music has been playing for a week now! Make sure you take pictures, I want to see all your cute decorating ideas! I usually do gold and all the usual christmas colors, but this year I am thinking I wanna play with the silver more! But we will see! All the fall decorations are like 75% off at Michaels so I went and bought a whole bunch of cute stuff for next year!
very very creative!! you guys look awesome!
Wowsers - that Dalmation is a hotty..woof
Okay so I know I already commented on here. But do you remember that date "around the world" we did for our cute boys? well of course you do! But you made Ranch chicken and I still crave that ranch chicken to this day and more than ever now that I'm pregnant! So you have to give me that recipe! Can you post it in a comment to me or email it me at I want to make that soon!!! Thanks Jenn! : )
I'm still a beginner when it comes to cooking!!! So what temp do you cook it at? And you just bake it raw with the cheese and ranch on it? For how long??? I have to ask these questions... I'm lucky If my food turns out when I follow a recipe!!! : ) ha ha
Thanks for posting that! I might just make that tonight!
I LOVE those costumes. I hadn't seen any of those before, so funny! I think my favorite is Matt & Melissa. That is a crack up! Miss you guys!
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