Sunday, November 30, 2008

And now it's time for my annual Christmas Joke!

I tell this every year. I don't understand how it gets worse and worse to Jefferson and better and better to me! ...I think maybe something is wrong with him.
So it was time for the annual chess club convention at a big hotel. These guys only get together once a year, so they started bragging when they saw each other in the lobby. "I put this guy in checkmate twice last year!" one exclaimed. "That's nothing," said another. "I got him in checkmate in five minutes flat on 3 separate occasions!" They started getting louder and louder till other guests complained. The manager came over and said, "Could you guys keep it down? No one likes chess nuts boasting in an open foyer!"

Jeff pointed out that if I post this on my blog, then I can't tell it to people. Hmmm.... NOT TRUE! SO BE PREPARED!!! :)

1 comment:

Jared and Niki said...

That is an awesome joke! I don't know what Jefferson is talking about. I think he is jelous because he didn't come up with it.